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What is your daily school schedule like?

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I really feel like I'm struggling with keeping my days scheduled!! Things are getting done, housework is really hard to keep up on.


I am using the workbox system to organize and schedule schoolwork, however with three kids using them - I can't seem to stagger them enough so that I can equally help each child. Rather it seems like I'm being pulled in three different directions AND have a preschooler and toddler needing my attention too. Forget the housework. Its trashed. lol


SO...help! Ideas? What do you do, especially with multiple kids hs'ed?



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My older kids take turns babysitting....while I'm schooling one, the other babysits the toddler and PK'er.


I pay my olders to clean the house. I still do laundry, but they put their own away. I don't care if they don't fold....it's their clothes.


I usually "assign" a particular hour to each kid. Don't expect me to sit down and read/discuss anything unless it's your hour. I also do everybody at the table classes for grammar, handwriting, and religion. History and science are books/shows we pick up. I do math last. Because the kids hate it so much, they are motivated to get it done and be done for the day.

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I would get your oldest two started (help them, etc.) while your third child quietly plays around the house with the younger two. Once you get the oldest two going (the 11 yr. old should actually be able to do quite a bit on his/her own) then you can focus on the third child.


Mine are 13,11, 7, 2.5 yrs. My 13 yr. needs little help, I get 11 yr. old started. Then I go to kitchen table & work with my 7 yr. old. My little guy will watch a video or play- interrupting sometimes.


The oldest 3 have morning jobs and lunchtime jobs. Posted on the fridge.


They: use lysol wipes to wipe bathroom counter, empty bathroom trash, load/unload dishwasher, do cat food & litter, etc.


lunch time chores: clear lunch table, sweep, vacuum, clean up baby toys


***New idea I am implementing & it is GREAT:


My kids are doing their own laundry. My daughter has her day and my two oldest boys wash theirs together. They all actually like it.

They wash, dry, fold & put away. They never have to ask me where their favorite shirt, pants or socks are. They know. This has saved me tremendous time- and it is not much for them to do their own clothes.

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