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I can not feed them anymore! It's impossible!

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What about making a taco salad, using more lettuce as a base with all the other toppings sprinkled in? The taco shells could be crushed up and sprinkled in. The salsa and sour cream could be mixed together as a sort of dressing. You could add in more beans and more veggies. :)


We've done this before, in a huge bowl, and it seems to stretch more and make our kids feel fuller than if they just had the little tacos all by themselves.


Just a thought!


Our kids can eat so much, too! It is crazy!

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This is what a cooked for the five of us....DD is on an ambulance run so she's eating in the rig.


1.5 lbs of ground beef with taco seasoning

1 lb. of chicken breast, pulled apart and seasoned

8 oz. cheddar cheese

16 oz. sour cream

16. oz pinto beans

4 oz. black beans

1/3 head of shredded lettuce

4 oz. dried red peppers

4 oz. dried grape tomatoes

16 oz. salsa

17 taco shells


There is not a scrap left! Not one little bit! I would not be shocked if they went into the kitchen and licked the pots while I wasn't looking! In addition, they drank ONE WHOLE GALLON OF MILK! (All of these boys wear slim pants.)


It's been one hour and the 13.5 year old wants to know what the evening snack is!


I lost it and calmly but firmly told him to graze on the lawn outside.


Faith, who just might have to run away from home once all three boys have officially reached their teens.


I would stretch your meal a bit further by serving it with some type of rice and maybe a side vegetable (we usually serve corn with mexican-style meals). Honestly, the amount you made and the lack of leftovers sounds right to me. I would cook a similar amount of food (plus rice & corn) for our family of 6 (2 adults, 1 teen, 3 kids) and have minimal leftovers.

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I haven't read all the replies but had a suggestion - add rice and more beans to the taco menu to make it go further. Do you have a pressure cooker? It is very easy to make a pot of beans with a pressure cooker, or a slow cooker if you plan ahead for a long cooking time. You could also make more filling portions using flour tortillas. Or, you could get an inexpensive stack of corn tortillas and fry them a little bit in oil to make your own corn taco shells (drain on paper towels).


You can add all sorts of other things to tacos or wraps -- rice, either in the taco or on the side. Sliced cabbage is another good crunchy (inexpensive) addition that is more substantial than lettuce. We also like to microwave a couple of potatoes and cut them up to add to wraps - especially breakfast wraps with scrambled eggs.


When we have a house full of teens I like to make a huge pot of spaghetti for lunch or dinner. Everything you make (if it's tasty) will be gone, gone, gone if teenagers are around.


ETA: Sorry I didn't see this was an old thread. Still, I'm dealing with the same type of issue so I thought I'd share.

Edited by Dana in OR
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