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What protections are in place for children conceived using sperm from anon. donors?

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Are there any protections in place for people conceived using sperm from anon. donors? For instance, do they get the medical history of the sperm donor? Are there any protections for siblings conceived by the same man's sperm in terms of the possibility that they would meet and marry? Do they get an i.d. number or something?


There isn't any real life situation that I'm asking about. I just started to wonder about it and thought that the Hive was the place to ask!

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There is a lot of information available now about sperm donors. Almost all offer medial histories and many have pictures or other information about their families. Part of the fees include staff that are informed of any conception from a sperm donor and many clinics will only let a sperm donor have so many off spring before they stop having that sperm available. HTH.

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