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Destination Math


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I did a search but not much came up. We are currently doing the free 1 month trial for the Grades 2-3 and my son is doing extremely well - loves it. I'm considering purchasing it but in one screen on homeschoolbuyers coop it says that what you see on the trial is what you get when you purchase - well if that is the case, then there are not many lessons. When you read further (I want to say on the Destination math website), it says you can use the Saxon math or the Destination math interchangeably or just use the DM. Now, if that is the case, wouldn't there be more lessons? The Grade 2-3 has 4 modules (maybe it was 5) and within that are 5 lessons in 1 and only a few in the others. The way the description was written of the program, I understood it to mean you could use either/or (you don't have to use Saxon to use the DM either) but the few number of lessons on DM really has me puzzled. I emailed the coop and they pointed me to the list of lesson correlations to the lesson number of Saxon's math but that was just cryptic. Nobody can tell me how many lessons are you getting? Anybody know?

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We bought the preK-1 version of Destination Math via HSBC. It was a good review for my DS, but I don't really see how it could be used as anything more than a supplement. Like you mentioned, there just are not very many lessons. I think my DS pretty much exhausted the content in a day and a half. He had fun with it, but I probably wouldn't purchase again due to the limited content for the price.

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