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Wireless Mic for Co-op class? Ideas??

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Hey There,


I have a large co-op class with about 20 kids and their moms. My poor teacher needs a mic. Anyone have any ideas?


I have a DVD/cd player that has a remote with two mic spots, but I guess that's for Karoake only?


I need something around $100... I'd love wireless.... (I'd love to be rich, too....perhaps that's about the same level of chance??)


Any Ideas??



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First, I must admit that I've never seen a dvd player with a mic input. To hook a mic into your dvd player you would have to then hook the dvd player into something with speakers (like the tv) to pump the sound out.


Check these little systems out from Musician's Friend. I would guess that the Behringer system is a little better quality than the Nady but the link is broken for the Behringer. I have a job doing sound at a local theatre...let me know if you have any other questions.

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Okay, I looked up the system you have and I don't see why it wouldn't just work like a PA. So you could get a wireless mic like this one or if you wanted to spend a little more (and maybe get a little more long term reliability) this one.


With the Audio-Technica mic you would need a cord that goes 1/4" to 1/8" to go from the mic receiver into your system. So get an instrument cord

then a little adapter


Or you could get a really good quality wired mic (Sure SM58) for around a hundred bucks plus the cost of an XLR cable and adapter.

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Thanks so much! I'll let you know how it goes! I went with the more "long term reliability" one... and then got the cord and adaptor... didn't know how long of a cord... so go the 5 ft one... hope that works...

The teacher has to turn around and write... etc... so I decided the corded one wouldn't be best...


;) If this works... I'll be able to save her voice!! :)

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