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Today started off on a depressing note... & humility


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My dc are wonderful, but today started off hard. One dd seems to have forgotten all of her multiplication facts after 2 years of working on them. I think she finished 3 of them on her speed drill. A younger dd could answer her sister's multiplication facts but struggled with subtraction on her speed drill, and she couldn't stay in one place for more than a moment and was asking all kinds of questions about everything on the planet except for what she was supposed to be working on. My big dd was frustrated over the first chapter in Apologia chemistry on measurement and conversion of units. This does not bode well for the year ahead.


The good things I'm trying to focus on: One dd made a sincere apology for stepping on something that belonged to another dd and breaking it. Another sang me a song she made up about water newts after she had graciously accepted the apology. The dd with the trouble with math facts has been promoted in her online writing program because she uses very good "detail and sentence structure."


I will admit that one reason I had one dd evaluated was because I was afraid she just wasn't as smart as I was and I was afraid my expectations were off. The reality is I'm not was I once was, and, at my best, I was nothing special, though I was classified as gifted in school. However, I did have dreams that I could homeschool my children and that they would be smart and do well. Now, I feel like I'm being confronted with all their weaknesses that I can't really relate to and it's a lot to manage. I do think they are smart and will grow up to be wonderful adults, but it will be a path of humility for me, not the one I expected.

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Ain't that that truth! They teach us humility with ease while we struggle to teach them anything!





:lol: Good one!


Not the greatest day around here either. We just have to keep on plugging, one day at a time. Focus on the successes (all the sweeter because they seldom come easily :tongue_smilie:).

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I hear you. Sometimes I wonder what I 'm doing. After three years of learning grammar, my youngest dd will forget what a conjunction is. :001_huh: I have to start singing "Conjunction Junction" from School House Rock for her to remember! Hang in there, this too shall pass. What lovely things did happen today! One gave a sincere apology, one is doing extra ordinary writing with a promotion. Sounds like success to me.


I don't know how to insert the link with a "word", but here's the whole kit and caboodle thread to click on:




(Help with conversions. Maybe it will help take one more thing off your plate?)


Some of the most humbling events in my life have been through my dc. It's like I'm an onion being peeled one layer at a time. Ouch!

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Thank you for all of your responses. It really helped to be reminded I'm not the only one struggling through this. A sense of humour is invaluable, isn't it?


Well, today has been better. Those pesky, missing multiplication facts mysteriously reappeared this morning. I wish someone could explain that.:confused:

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