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You could use with a 6 y.o, easily. It just depends on what you plan to accomplish. Rosetta Stone is an immersion method, but will be a lot more than a 6 y.o. would need for the price. But, it is, in my opinion, a great way to go for language.

We use it for German. My girls are 11, 10, & 7. We've only used it for a couple of months. I speak German & Spanish. We do like it.

I also think that for the younger set, Power Glide might be equally as good and more fun. If you TWTM, info is in the book.

Just my op. Hope it helps a little.

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We use Rosetta Stone for Spanish. My 5th and 7th graders are on year 2 of 3. IF you adjust the lesson to the skills your 6 year old could do without frustration, it would be ok.


For example, the writing skills (at least for year 2) are quite challenging. I think they were easier last year, but probably still too challenging for a 6 year old. You can adjust the program so that she would skip writing.


Start Rosetta Stone with the skills she can use in a fun way. Add in more as she can handle them. Then, it might work.

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I tried using it right when my dd turned 5. It was too frustrating for her, because even on the easiest recognition setting, it still wasn't accepting her pronunciation for certain words. I think like many 5 year-olds, her speech is still not perfect in terms of being able to pronounce things. I plan to try again in a year or so, because it does seem like a good program. If you go to one of the Rosetta Stone kiosks in the mall, they will let you try it out, so that might be worth it to take your child there to see if it is a good fit.

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I imagine a 6yo would be fine. The pronunciation is the most frustrating thing for my son.


We started at 11 and this is his 3rd year. The first two years we just did Level One twice. The first time we did all the different skills like reading, writing, listening, and speaking - but the second time through we concentrated on speaking and writing and something else. I forget. You can choose several different pathways which is nice.


It's Japanese - so a little harder with the Hiragana and Katakana and that's why we've been taking it so slow. This year should go faster now that he's 13 and has the first level completed.

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