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Singapore CWP - good challenge!


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Ds is using CWP 3. Today he did 2 problems and challenged dh to do them as well. Dh was unable to do one of them with algebra. The problems were much easier with the bar models.


It's fascinating to see how the bar models work and how it gives another tool for solving problems. Ds was just so thrilled to be able to do a problem that his father couldn't do. :001_smile:


(Dh does say he would have gotten it had he used trial and error though. :D)

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I like CWP a lot and usually my ds needs me to help a little. I love the bar models and I am teaching ds how to draw them. I learned math in China and mental math and speed was highly emphasized some 35 yrs ago when I was in grade school. So teaching SM is very intuitive for me.

Do you know where I can get some old CWP? Should I buy the new ones instead?

My ds 7.8 just finished CWP 2 and I need to get 3, and hopefully get all the next few levels.



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