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The Best Laid Plans


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We started school last Monday. Then dh got sick, then dd6 started getting sick, and then.... well, we put it on hold.


Thursday I start getting sick, sore throat, fever, cough. Friday is miserable. Saturday not too bad. Sunday.... well, got hit with a tummy bug too. Talk about miserable! Finally the system is purged and appears to be running normally. I've slept the day away, I can't sleep, i'm still stuffed up and coughing. I do not foresee school starting in the morning.


I need to give huge kudos to my 16yo son. He is usually a thorn to deal with. Today he looked at me and said...you really aren't feeling well. He tended the critters, entertained his youngest sister, made lunch, tidied up. Went to the store bought me gingerale and a treat for his little sister(without being asked). He let me rest. The other 2 girls were out camping so they were no issue.


At least we can't say we're behind, just changed the start date.

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