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How do you get your groove back after a move?

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We moved 2 mos ago from a place we absolutely loved! So we've had some "oh pity us" time but that's pretty much run it's course. ;)

But we are having the hardest time getting back into the school mode again. I have a 9 yr old, 6 yr old and 3 yr old. The 9 yr old is pretty typical in that I really have to stay on him to get things done but he does them....eventually. My 6 yr old is happy to do work but I have to sit down 1:1 on with her since she's not reading much yet. And my 3 yr old is a terror! He's into everything and we can't find the right child locks we want for the front door to keep him from running outside :001_huh: So I'm always having to keep an eye on him.


We were out of the "school mode" for a month before we moved so now I'm feeling terribly behind. We "school" year round but our summers are lighter. Now I'm dreading having to do more than planned this summer.


We are not strict classical style, more relaxed for sure. But I still like to stick roughly to the WTM "schedule" for my peace of mind. Now it seems like we'll never get back on track.

So any ideas or similar experiences?

thanks for "listening" :blush:

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I like to describe it as, "one ugly day at a time". :D


We moved last December and we should be moving again in a couple of months (please, please, please pray!). You only moved 2 months ago, if it were me I would still be shuffling around boxes.


My first suggestion, if I'm qualified to make one, is to lower your standard of what you want school to look like. Let your kids know that schooling is really important, and even though it won't be perfect you all need to work together to get it done.


Use naptime. Keep the 9yo up past the 3yo's bedtime if necessary. Do the absolute essentials everyday- math, phonics, writing, etc.- whatever essentials you know you need to work on. Don't expect to flow right into a full course of study.


My main point to make is: don't expect it to look "normal". It may look a little rough and patch work some days but keep plugging along, bit by bit adds up. Then one day you'll have your house just like you want it and the routine will have settled itself out.


You have my sympathies.:grouphug:



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We moved during the summer a few years ago but since we were only move about 2 hours away dh refused to rent a moving van. I spent most of the summer and some of the fall driving back and forth once a week to move things with his pickup truck. GGGRRR.


Anyway, it because of this it took us a while to adjust to a new schedule. I can remember though that after our time away, even though we were going back and forth once a week, we had to do some school. I started with bare bones stuff, grammar, handwriting, spelling, and math. This we did everyday. Then after a couple of months, we added more into the schedule as we were able to.


I also found temporarily dropping or altering my plans for that year also helped. It helped to do a lot of outside school studying nature and keeping in mind this is only temporary - next year will be better!


This would be my advice to you especially with the 6yo. I would go very bare with the schedule here and focus on my 9yo getting his schedule set.


Things do get better!

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