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Anyone ever use Chalkdust Basic Math for 5th and 6th grade?


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I called Chalkdust and they said I could do the first 3 chapters for 5th grade..just take it slow.

I received the books today. From what I see I will have to have dd do 1 page a day and that's it.

I would love to know if anyone has done this and if they made a schedule.

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My 4th and 6th graders started Basic Math in late Jan. after finishing Right Start E. We are only on section 3.5 - so I can't comment beyond the recommended first three chapters. It has been a huge jump in many ways - esp. in the amount of new material in each section.


We don't have a set schedule, but we do one hour a day. We watch the video, do sample problems together, then I assign problems for them to do on their own. Per their recommendation - I try and give around 20 problems as an assignment (my 6th grader has processing difficulties, so I may give her half that). Usually, they struggle at the beginning, but over time, it comes together for them. One method I have found that works is that if I am not pleased with their understanding/performance after the first assigned problem set, I stay on the section. I assign anywhere from 5-10 problems daily until they can do about 10 problems at one sitting without any help or mistakes. Then we move on.


Some sections we have stayed on for 2 weeks, others go very quickly. Right now, 3.5 (division with decimals) is a tough one. Another tough one was 2.1? (finding LCM/GCF through prime factorization). Another thing I have started is putting three warm-up problems on the board that reviews concepts from previous chapters, since there is no built in review.


I think if you are willing to adjust the pace, it can work - especially if your child has a proficiency with numbers. Sometimes I think to myself - I need to find an easier way! ;) But the kids are progressing and learning a lot - so we will continue on. For us, the DVD introduces the material and the book contains the problems, but it is still me doing the majority of daily teaching (though less than Right Start which my younger kids are still using). IMHO, I really don't think it could be an independent math program, esp. for these younger kids. If you feel comfortable with that, I think you should try it.


I'd like to hear about others' experiences, as well!

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