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Why do I feel so guilty and angry and frustrated when this happens???

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I've read this whole thread and I have to say, I am so surprised! (This is in no way a criticism so please, don't anyone take offense) But I've never thought twice about answering my door. I just answer it and expect to have a nice interaction with someone, who ever it may be. If it's a salesman, I do become abrupt and say no thanks because I don't want to hear any high pressure tactics. (Not like it would work on me anyway,but I'm not interested in wasting my time is all.) But I am certainly not scared or bothered that someone knocked on my door. I truly had NO IDEA that so many people were so cautious about answering their door. I don't even lock mine. We live in the coutry in the middle of no where. I do not have neighbors. I get people looking for an address (they've made a wrong turn), looking for "a guy who sells hay" (That'd be me!), or even looking for a stray cow (turned out it WAS in our pasture!) But I've lived in the suburbs too and felt the same there. I just don't mind answering my door. I thought people coming to your door for various reasons was kind of normal.


I really think that if I were afraid everytime I answered my door and my DH wasn't home, I'd maybe get some kind of training (self defence)and/ or counceling or something, just to give me more confidence and help me deal with the situation a little more calmly. (Again, not a criticism, just a suggestion.) I'm just saying this to point out that some people do not sense fear when a stranger comes to the door. Oh, and I'd also get a BIG dog! We've always had big dogs and maybe that gives me confidence too, I don't know.


Anyway, :grouphug: for your scary afternoon.


ps. I certainly understand those who are cautious due to past bad experiences with strangers.


I used to be like you (just answer the door). But at my old house, I would get a solicitor at least 3 times a week, and a Jehovah's Witness every weekend. It get tiring having to stop what you're doing, calm the barking dogs down, and make sure the kids aren't climbing the walls. Even with a "No Soliciting" sign on my front door, they still came. If the dog didn't deter them, I would point to the sign and say, "Can you read?" and shut the door. So I just stopped answering the door. :D


In my new neighborhood (been here for about 2 months now), I've had 5 different people knock on my door and ask me if they can buy the mangos off my mango tree in the front yard. I'm considering having a sign made that says, "Mangos are not for sale". But experience tells me that they will knock anyway. ;)

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