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The case for the $320,000 Kindergarten Teacher


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I thought this was interesting, aparently even a few percentage points on a K test can make a difference in income when children become adults. So, I wonder if the teachers of the kids with the higher scores were teaching critical thinking skills which lead to higher test scores or did they do something else that made a difference?

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My guess is, thinking back to the other NYTimes article featuring Doug Lemov (author of Teach Like a Champion), that superior K teachers have 1) excellent classroom management skills, 2) thorough understanding of the individual strengths and needs of the students in his/her class, and 3) diligence and creativity in communicating with his/her students. I am hoping with my own K-er this year I'll be able to do #2 and #3 since #1 isn't so much an issue at home (unless you include corralling the toddler in the house!) At least, this is my hope, that what we do here at home won't fall too short if at all with what one of those $320K teachers could do. Having said that, I know for me that homeschooling has been a leap of faith since we started last fall, and that I can trust that God will guide me and my kids in this journey. I'm hoping I can free myself from worrying over things like "are my kids keeping up?" or "would they do better in a classroom setting with a really gifted teacher?" If this is where God has led us, which I believe it is, I'm going to try to just do my best and trust God with the rest. =)

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Here are slides from the presentation of the actual study:



Smaller class sizes had a considerable increase (in terms of this study anyway) in test scores and later earnings. So did teacher and peer quality though I can't get a strong sense of how that was measured? Teacher years of experience (greater than 9) was a factor in the impacts and is outlined.


I guess the fact that I'm learning as I go how to teach young kids is a disadvantage but our tiny class size and advantage! I can't get more out of it than that though.

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