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hoosiermom - Q re PH Chemistry ISBN

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What ISBN Prentical Hall Chemistry does the Kolbe syllabus plan use?


I remember reading that hoosiermom posted about using this chemistry book with the Kolbe plans which dd will be doing. Kolbe uses the 2005 edition. Is that a national edition or a California edition? Will a later year match?


Thank you for any help you can give me.

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I just checked my Kolbe materials--Kolbe does not specify an ISBN for the PH text. I bought a used national ed. and everything seems to match up. My guess is that you could make a state ed. work, altho I hesitate to say for sure. As I look thru the syllabus, many assignments are made by section number rather than page number. I do see some labs and formulas cited by page number, but the formulas are also mentioned by name, so they should be easy enough to locate.


Is there any other info that I could provide to answer your question?

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Thank you, hoosiermom!


Could you tell me what the ISBN is for the national edition, if you still have it?


I have an opportunity to get the California edition with a different publication date than the Kolbe edition, but when I looked at the Kolbe site the image shown is not the California edition. I realize textbooks don't vary much year to year, but with the PH Biology book I had, the Kolbe syllabus had listed a lab that wasn't in that edition (difference of three years publication date), and their answer key had listed answers to other questions that I couldn't find.

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My 2005 text has ISBN 013 115262 9. We will be doing chem this fall, so we have not been thru the book and syllabus yet. Altho I looked thru the course to coordinate the TC chem video lessons w/ the PH text and Kolbe syllabus, I certainly can't guarantee you won't find any discrepancies. Hope this helps!

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