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Planning 101?


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Yep, totally a newbie here.


I'm not even sure where to start as far as planning the schoolyear out is concerned. We've been doing some light schooling this summer, starting on lessons as the books come in. I have gotten a lot of stuff here, on ebay, and on another site that sells used h'school books.


My ds6 is doing 1st grade work. We're breezing through Math Mammoth, and FLL. I have WWE in the mail, have yet to pick up a copy of SOTW, and am planning on buying AAS. We read TONS, will be picking and choosing from Saxon 1 (along with MM) and VP Phonics Museum.


I keep a log of what we do each day to keep track of what we do and when.


I'm not really sure where to start as far as planning goes. Oh, right, I already said that. Filing for the whole year by week is intriguing. As is the idea of workboxes.


My hangup is that if we fall behind on something than won't it mess the whole system up?


Oh yeah, and where do I start... :D

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My hangup is that if we fall behind on something than won't it mess the whole system up?


Oh yeah, and where do I start... :D


Deep breaths and a lot of them!


Congratulations & welcome :)


I think you try some things and see what type of planning and what level of planning works for you.


I need to have things written out and planned in advance for the full week or I have meltdowns :glare: Some days we've just tossed the plan entirely and it's worked great. Some days I've tried to wing it and it's gone horrid.


What works one year (or one month) may not another.


But you'll definitely not mess everything up if you fall behind.

We didn't get any part of writing done today (sigh) and I feel behind, but we aren't and we won't be. I'm still really working on :chillpill: but it's the way to go.


Do your best, accept that you won't be perfect, and keep trying. It's good overall.

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