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Omnibus:editing for content

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We are studying the Greeks and Romans in Omnibus next year. Are any of you editing the content as you read some of these books or how is this handled? I was looking though Aristophanes, The Clouds and thinking there is no way I could read this to my kids. I love Omnibus and the way each book is discussed but I am afraid what it will do to their minds/hearts. Thanks.

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Somewhere (probably off the VP Elem. group) I got a list of pages of content to skip in Gilgamesh and the Twelve Caesars for Omni I. Solution suggested was to use sticky notes to cover up mature content. If you are interested I can post the pages for you.

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This information is from a page I think I got off the VP Elementary yahoo site or from VP directly, sorry I can't remember. I printed it out and stuck it in my Omnibus I for future reference. I haven't verified the page numbers, but they should land you close to the material in question.



pp 6-8, top and bottom of pg 14

middle of pg 46

pg 84 (tablet 12)

pp 86-87 (select parts in the middle)


Herodotus (most of these are "crude to the ear" but not sexual)

Book I, sections 119 & 199

Book II, sections 48 & 111

Book III, sections 34-35, 84 & 87

Book IV, sections 2 & 64


Twelve Caesars (these are more vulgar)

Julius Caesar- (section #52) discusses orientation

Augustus- pages 86-87 (#68-71)

TIberius- pg 132 (# 42,44-45) notes say this is particularly twisted

Gaius - pgs 161 (bottom #22), 162 (#24), 166 (#28), 170 (#36)

Nero-pg 228 (#28-29), 233 (#35), 244 (#49)

Galba pg 261 (#21)

Vitellius - pg 280 (#17)

Vespasian - pg 291 (#23)

Domitian - pp 316 (#17), 318 (#22)


My notes say that nothing was missed by skipping the parts of Twelve Caesars, but some content was lost by editing Gilgamesh. You can cross it right off in the book or use sticky notes. I imagine you could simply skip the entire book if you wanted, easy enough.


Hope this helps with your discernment.

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