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I need math help! Please


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I've been doing right start A with my boys.They love it.Tthey get excited when I get it out and say we are going to do math. The problem is I don't do it often enough, and I'm not sure why. I think it is partly because when I do get it out we do math forever and I know we want get to anything else. I was not sure that I would be able to teach RS because I am not a math person, but when it arrived and I looked through it I really liked it and it made sense to me (Except that I never have figured out how to put todays date on the abacus) I "think" my boys are getting it but I'm not sure. I think one of my problems with it is that I never really "know" if they got it. I think if I had a worksheet I could give them after the lesson to see if they could work it then maybe I would know if they got the lesson or not. I've been looking at other math programs either to change or maybe find some work sheets that I might be able to use for this pupose, it would also give them extra practice. I have MUS Alpha also and have tried that with them. They love to watch the "Math Man" and get excited about it, but I think the lessons may bore them alittle(at the beginning of the book). So my question is what should I do? Move forward in MUS and see if I can find where they are in the book and start there? Stick with RS not knowing if they are getting it without any worksheets. Add a different program to RS. Switch to something other than MUS. Combine RS with another program, but if I do that and have more math to do everyday am I going to actually do math? I mean we already spend so much time on it when we do it because they love it and don't want me to stop. I really am math challenged so any help will be appreciated. My boys are 5 and 6 and love math at the moment and I would like to keep it that way.

Thanks so much

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We have the same situation. We love RS A and get excited whenever we do it. Sometimes lessons go on for a long time even. We save math for the last subject of the day so we can savor it. But that means we don't get to math as much as I plan, eek.


Seeing as we've tried 3 other math programs and RightStart is the only one we totally love, we plan to stick with it. Just gotta bump math up on the priority list.

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