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Teaching Textbooks--without the textbook?

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Has anyone used Teaching Textbooks without focusing on the textbook?


Have you used the Lecture CD as a primary source of information and only resorted to the paper Textbook as a reference, if needed?


My D age 17 is impatient with text and prefers to just jump in and tackle a problem. Only if she DOESN'T understand it does she like to refer back to the text and find the answer. Very backwards way of doing it, but that's what works best for her.

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That's how we did TT 7. I personally do not like the TT texts. I feel they are flimsy and bulky, have that awful dark 'highlighting', and unappealing to the eye in general. There, that felt better....


My dd just watched the CDs, doing the problems either on paper, or in her head. I always sat with her so I knew she was doing the work. She never even looked in the text that I know of. I did for a few of the solutions, I believe, but that was awhile ago.


I don't know how it would work for upper level math though. I would just give it a try and see how it goes; you can always buy the texts later if you find the need.

Edited by LatinTea
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DS did Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 using the CDs for the lesson part and then the book to do the problems in his notebook. He would refer back to the TT book if needed while doing the problems, but it wasn't usually necessary.


DD did Math 6 and Math 7 on the CDs only, since she could answer right there on the computer. I don't think she ever used the book, and I never used the answer key. Once you get to Pre-Algebra though, you can't do the work on the computer, you have to write it out.

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