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Total Language Plus


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Chloe, I found this on their website.


"Depending on the skills of your students, you may wish to supplement with a grammar program. Our grammar approach bridges the gap between knowing grammar and applying it; if basic grammar skills are lacking, supplementing will be necessary. The same idea applies to our writing approach. TLP does not instruct how to write a sentence or organize a paragraph. Most students will have had such instruction by this level in their education. There comes a time when writing skills are most effectively improved simply by writing! TLP offers numerous writing opportunities."




"Fans of Konos, Charlotte Mason, a Classical approach, and Sonlight use TLP with their regular studies. It works well with each of those philosophies as numerous home schooling moms can attest. Users of quality writing programs such as Excellence in Writing and Writing Strands also find TLP a good match. We can even help you match a TLP study with your Konos character unit or Sonlight studies. Of course, TLP also works well with traditional approaches, and other programs not included in this list."



My thought is that I might pick one book for each of mine (1st & 4th) and do it like a reading comprehension study. Although it seems to incorporate writing and grammar... from what I can tell I think it's most similar to progency press lit guides, or VP guides & blackbird&company guides. It sort of takes what you know and uses it to reinforce comprehension, writing, grammar, vocab, spelling using a novel.... which I think the kids will love and actually GET.

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I have two study guides on my shelf waiting for the fall. I can share why *I* decided to go with TLP, but since I haven't actually used it yet, I don't know how helpful that will be. :)


DS is a rising 4th grader who was in private school until 3rd grade. I am also doing BJU Press as our "main" English curriculum because I wanted something that would teach the basics of grammar and writing skills. TLP says they expect students to already have a grasp of grammar basics and their exercises are to strengthen those skills. TLP also doesn't have a lot of actual writing instruction, again why I wanted to use it with another program.


I did like the idea of DS using a 'real book' to practice those skills and to be able to analyze, draw conclusions, work with vocabulary, etc. from a work of literature. It has more vocab and grammar practice, plus project and activities, than what I know of Progeny Press (I haven't used PP, so I am just basing that on what I saw from looking at both at convention and read online). I also choose TLP over a full program like LLATL beacuse I wanted the flexibility to pick the books we read. The two I already have are from different time periods that correlate with our history studies this year (SOTW 3). I am planning on using a third later in the year, but I want to see how DS does with these first before I pick one because he is a pretty advanced reader. If he finds the ones we have already fairly easy, I may pick the third from a higher level to challenge him a bit more. That brings me to the last thing I liked about TLP, I can choose different study guides from different levels that are more challenging through the year if he shows he can handle it. :)


You can ask me later in the school year and I might have more feedback for you. I am hoping that TLP works for us because I love the concept and I am excited about getting started with them! :)


Edit: It seems I am the queen of simultaneous posting today! LOL!

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