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RE: MFW-Primary Language Lessons


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Now that I have my Adventures package I am wondering what MFW users think of the Primary Language Lessons? I had been using First Language Lessons, wondering if I should make a switch? The look sort of similar from the limited samples I saw of PLL on line. Do you like the PLL or not, would welcome feedback.

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Yes, I like PLL, but I also used FLL. I alternated between the two. (I wanted the gentle introduction to formal grammar, but appreciated the style of PLL, too.)


One of the things I initially did NOT like about PLL was the way my dd was forced to think more abstractly. She just didn't seem able to do this at first, and I was tempted to ditch it. FLL is more "concrete". BUT, what I eventually discovered over time was that because PLL forced my dd to think outside the box, it taught her to do so. This is a child who tends toward laziness and will tell you that her favorite subject is "to play". :lol: But that's exactly why she needed something that she had to concentrate on. PLL has short lessons, but not they're not "easy" lessons, if that makes sense. For example, I would have to remind her over and over that "copywork should never have a mistake." She was forced to slow down and really study and copy the material accurately.


Sometimes there was a lesson that we didn't just "know" the answers to, which children in that day would've known because of lifestyle differences and the time period. This gave us an opportunity to do some research to find the answers. This teaches the child that sometimes, she's going to have to go looking for the right answer and not just assume that everything's she's told is true. ;)


I'll follow the same plan with my youngest dd, alternating between FLL and PLL.

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Thanks Donna!! I was hoping you would come to my rescue. :) Did you start in Primary or Intermediate? Based on the limited Amazon samples I am not sure my DD would be able to do all the copywork without tears and strive. Her favorite subject is play as well. :)

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I started with Primary. When will your dd be 8? If she's a young 7, you might want to wait another half a year for maturity, and give it some time doing the copywork and other LA skills practiced in the weekly lesson plans. You can also take the lessons very slowly, doing many of them orally. Some of the lessons that involve writing ARE burdensome for some children at this age, so I've even been known to require, say, only three written responses and the rest oral from a particular exercise, or something like that.


Also, you'll see that PLL is only scheduled 3x a week (I think?), so perhaps you could do it just twice a week at first, and then add a third day later on, and eventually add in FLL if you want. (Actually, PLL doesn't start on the ADV schedule until a month into it, anyway.) You'll be slowly building some good habits into her. I wouldn't let her get away with complaining her way out of it, though. ;)


I just pulled out my manual, and here's the blurb about English from Week 1:


"Lessons in Primary Language Lessons, recommended for second and third grade, begin in one month. This allows time now for handwriting practice, which begins this Thursday. (This gentle, gradual start to the school year works better for many children.)"

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We will use PLL next year. I just bought the PLL Teacher Guide. I think that it is going to help me on those days the lesson refers to a different time period. You can look at a sample at lostclassics.com. I will sometimes use art books I own for picture narration. The pictures in PLL are black and white and on the small side. I like Donna's idea of alternating PLL and FLL. I would like my boys to know what a noun, verb, and pronoun are but I don't necessaryily want to drill it everyday. So I think I will add in a little of FLL in that regard. My mom-in-law gave me a very, very, old copy of BJU English! It was my brother-in-law's! Anyway, I can use that for an occasional workbook page for practice.

Edited by marsha617
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