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BSGFAA questions


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We will be using this Bible study this year and I am wondering for those who have used it how long did each lesson take? Did you use the additional timeline and maps? What did you like best about this study that should not be missed? Any other thought you may have please share.

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Don't use the teachers guide, maps, etc., just the workbooks. I do 2 lessons a week give or take. We only finished one of the workbooks this year. I got a little tired of the format over the school year but my dd seemed to like it. We will be using the next workbook plus some lapbooks and other things to add some spice.


Oh, I have already purchased the TG and was wondering if I needed to also purchase the worksheets. I will be using the TG since that is what I have should I also use the worksheets?

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We will be using this Bible study this year and I am wondering for those who have used it how long did each lesson take? Did you use the additional timeline and maps? What did you like best about this study that should not be missed? Any other thought you may have please share.

I only have my oldest using it right now (though my 2nd dd will join in the fall). She reads the lesson in the morning then in the afternoon we do the review and questions. I also read it in the morning for my devotions and record my own answers (they don't give you the answer).


Because I do ancient history with MOH, which is heavy on Biblical events, I don't worry about the timeline, we catch it when we go back to ancients. The mapping I did use for a while. We only needed one of each map, but they also have the child review places already mapped. You could have them re-map the places. We ended up dropping it because TOG is also heavy on mapping.


I love all the memory work and aids it has, but found them too time consuming to do on a regular basis. The only ones we use are the books of the Bible.


Together we probably spend 10-15 mins on it a day. Separately reading probably another 10 mins. On those few crazy weeks where they schedule a lot more reading, we just do a chapter a day and drop the review and questions till all of the reading is done. They do this with Job (in unit 1) and later with Proverbs (in unit 2).


Overall I am very happy with the program. It is rather simple but it works here.



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I should have posted that "I" don't use the TG :) Sorry for how that sounded. I don't know if you could use the TG and no workbooks since I've never seen it. They are really cheap, like $5 so I would get them.


I use just the TG and no workbooks.


My kids are dysgraphic, so the writing would make them hate the program.


You really can do it either way, it just depends on your needs. :D




Edited to add: I have used Unit 1 and am almost finished with Unit 2.

Edited by siloam
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I am planning to use it for the first time in the upcoming school year. I will use it with my 11th, 7th, and 2nd graders. I have the TG. I bought the intermediate worksheets to do with my 2nd grader. My plan is to do the lessons in the morning as a group, and then later in the day I will do the worksheets with my dd. I plan to use the bible summary cards, but I won't use any other aids.

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