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Scheduling Prima Latina

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We used Prima Latina last year and my dc had trouble with it because they felt that it went too fast and they weren't retaining anything. Then I made a set of pictoral flash cards and regular flash cards and once they saw how many of them they knew, it went better. Latin still was not their favorite subject.


This year, we started Latina Christiana I and we are having much better success because the teacher's manual is so much better than PL. There are directions as to how to break up the lessons and my dc are actually enjoying Latin now.


Here's how we break up the lessons....maybe you could customize it for PL? Because my dc complained that it went too fast, we do one lesson over about a 2 week period.


Day 1: We do the greeting, say the pledge in Latin (I got that off of the internet), recite the Table Blessing, and sing our Latin song (I bought the Latina Angelica CD for the songs). I read over the lesson and the kids write out their vocabulary words with meanings and their 1st congugation verb endings.


Day 2: Greeting, pledge, Table Blessing, Christus Vincit song, kids write out the vocabulary words w/meanings & verb endings drill and we do one of the Ludere Latine games


Day 3: Greeting, pledge, Table Blessing, Christus Vincit, vocabulary drill & verb endings drill and a Ludere Latine game


Day 4: Greeting, pledge, Table Blessing, Christus Vincit, then we do the lesson's exercises. My dc are able to do the exercises on their own better than with PL because they've had several days' practice writing the vocab & verb ending drills. This is so much easier for all of us than what we tried last year!


Day 5: Greeting, pledge, Table Blessing, Christus Vincit and the dc do the Quiz for the lesson and if there's another Ludere Latine game, we'll do it then.


My dc ask if we can do more Latin but, I have found that doing a little bit each day is better than a lot in one day. We don't become as frustrated with the lessons and my dc feel more of a sense of accomplishment when it comes to taking the quizes and tests because they know how to spell the Latin words because of the practice on the prior days. I also have my dc review their Latin vocabulary every morning using their flash cards, which I think has helped to boost their confidence. Hope this helps!

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Hi! We are on Lesson 4 of Prima Latina and we do 1 lesson per week. This seems to be a pretty good tempo for us. Latin isn't exactly the center of our universe, but the kids are retaining a lot more than I expected.


So, here's how we do it:


Monday: Introduce new lesson/vocabulary. Listen to prayer on CD, try to find pronunciation to words we are unsure of (I never took Latin).


Wednesday: Fill out workbook exercise for the lesson from Monday. Review vocab.


Thursday: Review vocab for maybe 5 minutes.


Friday: Final Review of vocab. Recite prayer. My kids usually know all the words by now.

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