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How do you use Critical Thinking 1 and 2?


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Just receieved this on the recommendation of WTM, but it's not really what I expected. I guess I thought it would be a workbook but it looks like the teacher needs to actually teach it. Can someone walk me through what you have done to get me started? Thanks.


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Just receieved this on the recommendation of WTM, but it's not really what I expected. I guess I thought it would be a workbook but it looks like the teacher needs to actually teach it. Can someone walk me through what you have done to get me started? Thanks.



We just finished both books. It was a little daunting, but basically we just read the lessons and discussed the problems. I got stumped on and finally gave up on ch. 2 about symbols. It didn't affect the rest of it (much). I also let up over the course of the year, and picked and chose among the problems. I didn't go through it thoroughly, but I think it's meant to be a warm up to formal logic. I will pay more attention to the formal logic program.


I'm still not sure if I think it's necessary to do. Nice yes, necessary, not sure. But, it was good to keep the critical thinking going for another year, and there were interesting things in it.

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That's kind of what it was looking like, but I wondered if I was missing something. Did you find it worthwhile?



Yes, I found it beneficial. It's meant for group discussion, so didn't work as well for 1 parent and 1 child, but I found it beneficial anyway. I definitely preferred it to Art of Argument and they covered some of the same things.

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