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If narration comes naturally to my dc, why is there a need to continue?


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Older dd has always found narration incredibly easy. Even at 5 yrs old she was easily able to do a nice summary on a whole SOTW1 chapter. Even younger ds finds narration easy.


I've read a lot about how important it is, but it's just feeling like busywork now. What are the reasons for continuing on with it? I'm happy to do it, but I'd feel better if I knew there's a good reason! :)

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Older dd has always found narration incredibly easy. Even at 5 yrs old she was easily able to do a nice summary on a whole SOTW1 chapter. Even younger ds finds narration easy.


I've read a lot about how important it is, but it's just feeling like busywork now. What are the reasons for continuing on with it? I'm happy to do it, but I'd feel better if I knew there's a good reason! :)


I've had ds12 continue with narration this past year, as a way for him to practice putting a paragraph together. He understands the basics of putting his thoughts into words and onto paper now, so now it's more like paragraph practice. He writes them on his own, and I go through and mark things he needs to correct. It's a way for me to talk about how grammar and mechanics are actually applied in writing. These narrations are more elaborate than a year or two ago, because his thought processes are more complex. I also have him do it because I think it's good to keep practicing summarizing passages. Summarizing is a good skill to have throughout life. Along with narration this year, he is also outlining on other days. Next year his narrations will give way to rewrites from outlines, which are just more in-depth summaries.

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