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OM Growing, Growing Strong health book


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Let me preface this by saying I LOVE Oak Meadow. Everything about them! We used them for fourth grade- loved it. Plan on using them for 5th and K in the fall.


With that said- don't bother getting Growing, Growing Strong. I'm very surprised that OM uses that book instead of just building in their own health curriculum like they do with every other aspect.


The thing about that book is it is really much more geared toward a class/group of kids. Several of us in the OM social group agreed on that. And as far as I can tell, none of us will be bothering to use it. I mean it has some good ideas in it, sure. But so does the internet, and that's free. I'd do my own thing for health if I were you.


And that's probably the only "negative" thing you'll ever hear me say about Oak Meadow :)


P.S. But if you're dying for Growing, Growing Strong, I have a copy I could sell you.... haha.

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P.S. Again:


I didn't really answer your question, though, did I.


It's got pages you read to yourself, like for your information. Like, the first section is about the body. So it gives you some info about how kids grow and develop at different rates. It tells you how to incorporate diversity through your choice of words and materials and that you should talk openly about the body and differences in gender, skin color, physical ability, etc.


It tells you what words you can use to "stimulate ideas for follow-up activities."


Then it moves on to Topic 1, which is "my body parts." and it tells you what the learning objectives are (children will identify body parts by correct names, identify and accept differences in individual appearances, will state or show how to take care of their bodies, and will practice behavior that protects specific body parts).


It then gives you more information for you to read to yourself (not to your child) about this topic. It tells you how you can create an environment such as making child sized helmets and knee and elbow pads available, etc.


It has some evaluation questions (like, "do children use correct names for body parts? Are they comparing their bodies to others? Are they using protective clothing in play" etc).


Then there's a "Family Information & Activity" section which again gives a little more info for you to read to yourself, and then tells you some family activities you can do.


Such as using a tape measure, scales etc to see how tall everyone is, how long their feet are, how much they weigh, showing them the protective gear family members use.


Then it's got a "Children's Activities" section which starts out with:


"What Is A Body?

Meet with children IN SMALL GROUPS (emphasis mine) and discuss what they know about bodies. Ask questions such as "What is your body made of?" "What are the names of your body parts?" "How is your body like other peoples' bodies?" Explain that they are going to learn more about the body. Ask what they would like to know or what they would like to learn. Use what the children say to help with follow up."


Then it gives ideas like making the body on a large piece of poster board with markers. It lists "Other Ideas" like:

Encourage conversation about bodies

visit a museum to see skeletons and bones

help children use their bodies to make sounds


Go on a body tour- arrange a trip to see different representations of bodies. Children can suggest places for the trip. It suggests places like an art shop or museum, art class with work in progress, lawn and garden store with statues, clothing stores with mannequins, doll stores, dance studios, etc.


Still more ideas:


Invite a medical professional TO VISIT THE CLASSROOM (emphasis mine) and bring charts, x-rays and models.


Still another part says:


Meet with children IN SMALL GROUPS and explain that they are to come up with a way to show the other children IN THE CLASS what they have learned about bodies (emphasis mine)...


...Anyway there was some more along those lines, but hopefully that gives you a good idea of what it is like. It does have some cute suggestions but you could as easily look up or come up with ways to teach your kid about their bodies, without something geared more toward groups of kids, I would think.


Other topics in this book include:


My Five Senses, Moving My Body, Taking Care Of My Body, washing myself, taking care of my hair, brushing my teeth, dressing myself, I need my rest, foods I eat, when I'm hungry, Many different foods, I Share Food, Not Germs, For My Mouth, My Mad, Sad, Glad and Scary Feelings, My emotions, I like myself, I have many different friends, etc. It's too much to list them all but you should have a good idea now :)


Oh and in the introduction section it also says "this book is created to support the busy teacher who wants to incorporate exciting ideas into the classroom that make health education fun" ...so again most people think this is geared more toward classroom use than home use. I'm also not personally sure how I'd plan around this book since it's supposed to encompass YEARS not just one year if I remember reading that right when i first read about OM's suggestion to use it.


Okay I'm done rambling, hope this helped with your decision lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is an older thread but I thought I would post this for you anyway. We do not use OM but I did research them at some point (about two years ago) as an option for my family. Anyway, Amazon carries the book and has preview pages if this helps you. I have no idea how OM uses the book but you can at least see what the book is about.


Growing, Growing Strong

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