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How do you schedule your school time?

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Do you schedule by work load or by an amount of time? I have been reading about "loop scheduling" and it sounds really interesting to me. I am hs'ing 4dc & have 2 younger ones also. We (dc & I) are all tired of trying to hurry up and get things done! I feel like everything we do anymore is rushed just so we can be finished before bedtime! Does this happen anywhere else or just at my house? Anyway, I have been contemplating this "loop schedule" thing for the last year and I think I am just about ready to try it (when I asked dh for his opinion about it he said that he had been suggestion something like that for quite a while. My brain has been spinning for so long he probably did & it just didn't register with me!). I had planned on schooing for 3 weeks then taking 1 week off year round, but now I'm thinking that if we schooled for 3-4 hours a day (even 5-6 days a week) and were done by lunch time every day then we would have the whole afternoon to explore all kinds of other interestes. So here are my questions:


Does anyone else use a loop schedule? If so, how does it work for you? If I create a loop schedule for all of the work I do w/ dc, would I create a seperate one for each dc for their independent work?


Ideas for how to keep my 3yo entertained during school time would also be greatly appreciated. I used to be good at that, but my brain still seems to be on vacation from my last pregnancy (I hope it comes back soon!)!

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