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Help with school schedule for 6 yo....anyone want to help?

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I have all of our curriculum purchased for 6 year old DD. Here's what we have:


Math: Math U See Alpha

History: Story of the World 1

Reading/Phonics: The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading

Bible: Positivie Action Bible Curriculum K

Science: varied nature science experiments, books, walks, studies, etc

Sign Language: Signing Times DVD's

Speech: Speechersize CD's as well as oral work

Handwriting: Draw, Write, Now

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Literature: reading aloud to her daily for approx 30 or 45 minutes


Do I need to do any type of social studies? I hadn't planned on it.


Now that I have everything purchased, how in the world do I coordinate it all?


On Wednesdays, we have homeschool group for four hours, then a short rest time at home before attending church that evening. So I figure that the only school we will do on Wednesdays will be homeschool group. That leaves Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri.


Not everything needs to be done on a daily basis. I figure that we will do Story of the World one day a week. We will read the chapter in the book and do one activity from the activity book.


I plan on sign language once a week as well.


Art could be once a week or once every two weeks....not sure.


Daily I would like to do the Math U See, Reading, Bible, speech, and Literature time (this may be done by dad in the evenings).


What about Draw, Write, Now....should we do that only once per week? And how about science? This is DD's favorite subject, especailly since we will be focusing on nature this year. Should science be daily....twice a week? Three times?


To me, this is the most difficult part of homeschooling....trying to figure out when and how often everything should be done! Anyone have any suggestions?

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