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Vegan diet...

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I have MS. Many diets for MS recommend very low saturated fat. Some studies implicate gluten for ataxia, so I went off of wheat just in case also - worth a try. So, I went of all animal products and wheat.


I've already lost 12 lbs. in 3 weeks. I eat all kinds of organic fruits and veggies and legumes, and a small amount of seeds and nuts. I haven't eaten a lot of rice or potatoes yet - I'm doing more of the Eat for Life 6 week plan now. It's amazingly easy. Much easier for me than low carb ever was - I used to have horrible cravings. I think this is a lifestyle change!

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That's wonderful! My dh and I ate vegan for most of January but didn't stay with it after that. Our youngest son has life threatening allergies to milk and eggs so we were considering adapting to his diet and then going a step further to eliminate meat. We both felt so good while eating vegan but it was hard for my dh to give up meat and hard for me to give up cheese.....I do think the health benefits can be wonderful though. When I read stories like yours it makes me think we should try again. :)

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I have MS, too! My symptoms started in 1989 and I was dxed in 1996. I have been doing really well with only a very few exacerbations since diagnosis. I didn't use any of the MS meds until Sept. after a very bad flare.


I started with a low fat vegan diet in 96 and stuck with it religiously for a long time. It's amazing how much better I felt and my MS rarely gave me trouble. I followed the Swank diet but didn't eat any animal products either.


Well, I fell off the wagon a couple of yrs ago, eating cheese and ice cream and coffee cream. There's no way to tell for sure if this contributed to my major flare last year, but I feel that it did. I was also eating a lot of wheat products which made me feel achy, sluggish, and swelled my joints.


My brain MRI in 2002 was really rather good with hardly anything there , but the one in 2007 showed a lot of progression (after eating poorly for too long??!).


I think the Eat for Life diet is excellent and I started on that route again. Dr. Furhman is very motivating. I eat no gluten but do eat some salmon for the omegas. I am healing very nicely and my neuro says I have only subtle findings of problems and no active flares on my MRI. I am still healing and still ambulating!!!


Please keep up the diet and don't back slide like I did. Don't let any drs. tell you diet doesn't matter for MS either. You'll be in much better health for eating low fat vegan anyway and it's better to be safe than sorry with the MS. I really think the diet works. No one can believe I've had MS this long. I only wish that I hadn't gotten sloppy.


I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I have read your posts in the past and hoped that it wouldn't prove to be the case. I keep in my thoughts often. Your strength is amazing to me.


I was wondering what kind of MS med. you're taking, if any? I'm on Rebif. The side effects are yucky, but not as bad as I thought. If you want to share you can private message me.


Let us send each other peace and strength!!!



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