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Do you prefer Apologia or Rainbow for Jr. High?

Magic Wand

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Would you say each is better for a different type of learner?


We're familiar with the Apologia series, having used it through General Science, but not familiar with Rainbow Science. However, it does look appealing from the website.


Which do you prefer?

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I'm not sure I would say that I prefer one over the other since I've used both! All 3 of my dc have done Rainbow. My oldest dd did it for 7th/8th and went on to Apologia Biology in 9th. My middle ds did it for 6th/7th and went on to Apologia Physical in 8th. And my youngest ds has just finished Rainbow this year (7th). He will be switching to Apologia next year (8th).


What I loved about Rainbow are the short, yet informative, lessons and the humor (Dr Dobbins makes my dc laugh!). I also believe it laid a foundation of enjoying science.

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This is the impression I had after reviewing the site. Rainbow is more hands-on. I'm thinking of my younger dd who definitely prefers hands-on. I'm all set to have her move into General Science, but was intrigued by what I saw.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I may just show Rainbow to her and see what she thinks. Although the economical approach would be to continue with General Science, which served my older dd well.


Decisions! Thank you, again.

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