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Science question

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I have a son going into 8th grade & am trying to lay out a highschool plan. I need some recommendations for hs science curriculum. I know about Apologia, but want to know what else is a good option. He has not had much formal science, so suggestions on what would be good for this next year to lead into hs courses would be great also. I am looking for a creation based program. I am not a sciency person, so it needs to be fairly independent. He is considering a possible career in aviation.


Thanks for your help!

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We also went into 8th grade with having done less science than we should have. The books we had were terrible - even I didn't like them, and I love science. We went with the Apologia Physical Science and it's been a great way for her to catch up on stuff she missed. Doing that in 8th gives them more time for advanced science classes in high school or to explore an interest further. I've heard A beka is also good.

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So we would be ok with not doing General Science and just doing Physical Science (if we go with Apologia)?


I think so. We used General Science this year, and I didn't care for the way it covers a hodge podge of science topics rather than focusing on one or two disciplines. I wish we had skipped it and gone straight into Physical Science.


YMMV, of course. You can read the table of contents and sample lessons on Apologia's website.

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So we would be ok with not doing General Science and just doing Physical Science (if we go with Apologia)?


I think so. With a goal of aviation, I think a year of advanced physics as a senior would serve him better than general science in 8th grade. And looking for creation based and independent, I think Apologia is pretty good science.

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