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Singapore/LoF ?

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My ds 15 switched to LoF this year and is loving it. My 10 yo is about ready for another math book. Horizons was pitched from the fire and we've been filling in with misc. books. He's mastered long division, averages, adding and subtracting fractions (not x or dividing yet) and simple percentages and ready for LoF, which would give continuity with the books I've gotten/will be getting for my 15 yo.

But, I am really liking what I see of Singapore and my ds 7 is pretty bright in the math dept (the boys are word/history buffs and tolerate math- dd counts and adds and multiplies for fun), She turned 7 late Jan and is doing multiplying with no problem.

So, what to do? Get LoF for the boys, or just the ds 15? and Singapore for the youngers or just dd?

And I'd like to throw in Problemoids, too.

And stuff from the Critical Thinking Co but I think I'll stick with Analogies and figural stuff.

Normally I could figure this out but the simplest curriculum decisions have been causing total shut-down of my brain.

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