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How can I cook an eye round roast for supper tonight so it is tender?

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I use a method I got off the old WTM board years ago. First, you sliver up some garlic cloves and then poke holes around your roast and slip a clove into each hole. How much you use depends on how much garlic flavor you want. Then I heat my dutch oven with a little oil and brown the the meat till it is really brown (almost burnt and really stinks up the house). This make the yummy gravy. After the meat is brown put it in the crock pot or just set it aside if your using your dutch oven and deglaze the bottom of the pot with a little water or wine or both. Pour this over the meat in the crockpot or put the meat back in the dutch oven and cook. At this point you could sprinkle in some salt and pepper. A low, longer cook time usually seems to render the more tender meat so it is best to start it in the morning.


When it is cooked to your liking, remove the meat and make gravy with the rest. Sometimes I add beef broth to this to make more gravy.

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crock pot... 2 c. water 1 bullion cube, and whatever other spices you want (onion, garlic, carrots, potatoes). Cook on low until dinner time.


I do this to cook the meat and then make up my gravy right before dinner. I usually do this for stroganoff and the crockpot pre-cooking makes it so much better.

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