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Question for SL Language Arts users and similar natural methods


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Hello all! I'm not sure my title describes it effectively, but I'm looking for more information on what Sonlight calls the "natural method for learning language arts" {quotation marks mine}.



I've read the Sonlight website and probably need to look at Beechick's books, but I'm looking for other web-based resources at the moment.


I hope I am making sense. My boys are playing loudly nearby and I'm having trouble thinking. :lol:

But I'm trying to wrap my mind around a new approach to language arts other than fill-in-the-blank workbooks and so I need to educate myself more on this.....word-rich, lit-rich, natural approach, etc.....


I'm wondering if this comes back to Charlote Mason and/or WTM..sometimes all these methods and facts get jumbled.:willy_nilly:


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Hello all! I'm not sure my title describes it effectively, but I'm looking for more information on what Sonlight calls the "natural method for learning language arts" {quotation marks mine}.



I've read the Sonlight website and probably need to look at Beechick's books, but I'm looking for other web-based resources at the moment.


I hope I am making sense. My boys are playing loudly nearby and I'm having trouble thinking. :lol:

But I'm trying to wrap my mind around a new approach to language arts other than fill-in-the-blank workbooks and so I need to educate myself more on this.....word-rich, lit-rich, natural approach, etc.....


I'm wondering if this comes back to Charlote Mason and/or WTM..sometimes all these methods and facts get jumbled.:willy_nilly:



They all overlap in the skills they use. They just take different paces.


RB (Ruth Beechick) is usually the most relaxed and combines the most skills in one activity, on purpose.


As implemented in SL the focus on on creative wring (and is generally in RB styles-LLATL and Bravewriter) and it is spiral. It will introduces all topics at the beginning of the year then cover them off and on through the year. Grammar is lightly treated, covering one in depth year in Jr. High and in High School. When I used it SL only suggested one narration a month, but didn't schedule it so I never remembered to do it. It does kinda schedule it, but it is more a weekly reminder to do one narration this month and I never could keep track of when we last did it. It was too easy to skip over, KWIM? Mostly I was frustrated with the writing, which has been changed since I used it to be more step by step. The topics haven't changed (from the sample) and the first assignment last I looked was still to describe a piece of dirt for 1st grade. Even my oldest, the language intuitive one, this required a lot of pulling the answer out of her. If you have the time to work with the child like that then SL writing will work fine for you. I just had too much going on and it took too long to get to the end goal. It usually was dropped. Thus long term I have done SL LA with WWE and FLL. Still get the literature with dictation from their readers, but I get the step by step writing and the gentle oral mastery based grammar.


CM has more of a focus on copywork and narration, especially detailed narrations.


WTM has more of a focus on copywork and narration, but this time it is summary narrations. WTM has has a mastery approach and will cover grammar in depth.


All work on dictation eventually.


SL LA gave me a good start, but I was lacking in LA knowledge as it is my weakest subject. I found I loved the ideas of RB, but it is hard to take advantage of those teachable moments if you don't know the answer, KWIM? I found I was saying, "I don't know" way too much, thus I switched to a mastery system. I never really followed CM because my kids don't like to write and I could only do so much writing for them with this many kids this close together. Summary narrations are much easier to pull off. :D


I find WTM I found the fit that was just right. ;) Actually what I like is her focus on what is developmentally appropriate. Working on separate skills in a methodical fashion till mastered, then bringing them together. Some kids probably don't need that step by step method, but if you have a very concrete learner that does, you know what a blessing WTM methods are.


Overall the key is to find the one that clicks for you. I think all of them can work well long term.


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Free Indeed: Thanks for the links! I'll check them out! :)


HI Heather! :001_smile:



"describe a piece of dirt for 1st grade." That cracks me up! :lol:



"SL LA with WWE and FLL. Still get the literature with dictation from their readers, but I get the step by step writing and the gentle oral mastery based grammar."

YES! That is exactly what I was thinking of doing, although I'm thinking my 12 y.o. is past FLL. What is a good next step after FLL? I think WWE year 4 will be good for her, though. :confused: I've looked at CW and I don't think she's ready for that. She will also be doing WRiting Strands for Composition, so I'm really looking for a resource text for continuing narration, dictation and summarizing...and maybe even outlining??

Basically, we're working less on grammar and really focusing on getting things into words, KWIM?? Coming at it from various angles to sharpen these skills.


Another question: I'm assuming an average 1st grader would begin with WWE 1 and FLL 1...what about an average 4th grader with limited exp. in narration/summary and none in dictation...he can answer the questions from the reading easily in complete sentences, though, and catches on quickly.


Thank you, Heather! You are always so helpful!

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