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Potters School - English 3 or Adv. Comp courses

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Dd has used Rod & Staff English 3 - 8. Next year, dd will be in 9th grade & I was planning on her continuing on and use R&S English 9. But, recently I've been looking at TPS online classes. I'm not sure what TPS English course she should take - is English 3 a 9th grade equivalent course (after using R&S for so many years? TPS English 3 grammar & diagramming topics looked like review .. but I guess there is only so much grammar/diagramming to learn!)? The Advanced Composition course looked very good as well. Which one would you choose? (I'm not sure of TPS sequence)... also any likes/dislikes of these classes?


Dd wants to take the AP English Lang class in 10th or 11th, so I'd like something to prepare her. (She's taken writing classes locally and is enrolled in IEW writing seminar in July)


Thanks SO much for your help!



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TPS English 3 is considered their 9th grade class and Advanced Composition would be considered to come after that. However, since you have not been in TPS before, they have your student do a placement test with a writing sample (if I'm remembering correctly), and they will recommend which class would be most appropriate. I think the placement is more dependent on writing skills than anything else from what I can tell.


My dd didn't start TPS until 10th grade and was allowed to go into the higher lit/writing courses, but with "trial" approval and warnings that she would have to work hard to get used to the TPS "system." She didn't have any trouble with the classes and really enjoyed them, but she is a strong writer. She went to take AP Lang in 11th and scored a "5".


Mrs. Troxell's Advanced Comp class is supposed to very good, but I think it is full for this year. My dd had her for a lit class and really liked her. She has Ms. Gaines this year for creative writing and also likes her - she also teaches English 3. My son has Miss Shearon for English 2 this year and she also teaches a section or two of English 3. He also likes her a lot, but she has a fairly matter of fact style that I think that connects well with boys of that age. I don't know the other teachers. HTH!

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My dd is in ninth and tried to get into the narnia class last year. She did not know about quotes being not included in the "be" verb count so they placed her in English 2- I am sure that might not have been all but we did not receive the test back.


I cannot say she loves it as it was really pretty easy for her, but she did learn some things and it was gentle. I liked it for her because she was introduced to TPS ways and that can take some getting used to. It does lack vocabulary skills if you end up there for ninth, if I did it again I would supplement.


They have revamped their system to not include grade levels. My dd has Ms Shearon and she does connect with boys well.


I have my son signed up for TPS Eng 2 for the fall, he is in eighth. Dd is signed up for her year long wait for Narnia! After that we will def. do Adv Comp as I hear that is best in 11th for SAT writing.



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TPS English 3 is considered their 9th grade class and Advanced Composition would be considered to come after that. However, since you have not been in TPS before, they have your student do a placement test with a writing sample (if I'm remembering correctly), and they will recommend which class would be most appropriate. I think the placement is more dependent on writing skills than anything else from what I can tell.


My dd didn't start TPS until 10th grade and was allowed to go into the higher lit/writing courses, but with "trial" approval and warnings that she would have to work hard to get used to the TPS "system." She didn't have any trouble with the classes and really enjoyed them, but she is a strong writer. She went to take AP Lang in 11th and scored a "5".


Mrs. Troxell's Advanced Comp class is supposed to very good, but I think it is full for this year. My dd had her for a lit class and really liked her. She has Ms. Gaines this year for creative writing and also likes her - she also teaches English 3. My son has Miss Shearon for English 2 this year and she also teaches a section or two of English 3. He also likes her a lot, but she has a fairly matter of fact style that I think that connects well with boys of that age. I don't know the other teachers. HTH!


Thanks so much - very helpful post. Sounds like dd should take placement test for English 3. If teacher feels she can take Adv. comp will the teacher recommend it? (this probably wouldn't happen, but just wondering) Also, what higher lit class did your dc take?




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My dd is in ninth and tried to get into the narnia class last year. She did not know about quotes being not included in the "be" verb count so they placed her in English 2- I am sure that might not have been all but we did not receive the test back.


I cannot say she loves it as it was really pretty easy for her, but she did learn some things and it was gentle. I liked it for her because she was introduced to TPS ways and that can take some getting used to. It does lack vocabulary skills if you end up there for ninth, if I did it again I would supplement.


They have revamped their system to not include grade levels. My dd has Ms Shearon and she does connect with boys well.


I have my son signed up for TPS Eng 2 for the fall, he is in eighth. Dd is signed up for her year long wait for Narnia! After that we will def. do Adv Comp as I hear that is best in 11th for SAT writing.




Thanks for the post Kathy. I didn't quite understand, what you meant by "She did not know about quotes being not included in the "be" verb count"??? What are "be" verbs? (state of being verbs? am,is,are etc?) What do you mean about quotes not being included? Sorry, if you could clarify that would be great!


Also, what do you mean by "the TPS way?" Sorry, I hope this isn't too complicated to explain...


Thank you for your help,

Sangita :)

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Well the easiest thing to do...what I wish I had done is preview the placement tests. They are all right on the website and you can open and view it without enrollment. The difficult thing is you are not supposed to help your child at all- so it really is right where they are at, no review. They do this to properly place your child.

TPS teaches writing according to current fashion which involves a very limited use of be verbs. Is, Am, Are, Was, Were, Be, Been, Being.

Additionally in Eng 2 as the year progresses trying to cut down on pronouns and not using A, An or But, using different sentence starters etc. It is all on the website. I never did view the test for English 3, but the test for Narnia was quite detailed. Dd wrote easily and did use limited "be" verbs but she needed to do much bible quoting in her paper, it was required.

The information she did not have was that the be verbs in quotes were not counted as the total- I think she could have only five. Trying to find bible quotes without "be" verbs was cumbersome and made for a paper that did not flow well and using zero "be" verbs in her own writing, as they were needed for her verses.

I am not meaning to come across as all being negative- I like how much her writing has improved this year. However, that one piece of info may have changed her placement. Then again, it may have been too hard for her to adjust without going thru Eng 2.

Additionally TPS has the student fill out a rubric of sorts. You self analyze your finished paper final copy and filling it out makes you go through and are sure you have different sentence starters, limited be verbs, different sentence types etc.

Please ask away, it is helpful to know. However, do look at the placement exams and see where your child fits- and do not worry about grade level. TPS wants them to have a positive first experience and not be in over their heads.



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Thanks for your helpful post. I understand what you are saying and I thank you for explaining things..! lol. It must have been pretty hard not using "be" verbs... I've never thought of writing that way...


A friend of mine told me that in "English 2 you can hand in your writing assignment and then you get it back with things to correct. Then hand it back in for a grade. English 3 you hand it in the first time for a grade because they expect you to be an experienced writer." Is that correct? In Eng 3 are there essay revisions?


Thanks again!

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Yes that is what I understand-but you could ask. Dd is finishing Eng 2 now and trying to not have too much to revise.


Here is how it works this year. You submit a rough draft. Teacher reviews and gives helpful tips and problems to address. Peer from class then reviews and gives 3 praises and 3 suggestions.


child reviews and makes changes, fills out rubric and submits it with final copy. then grade is assigned.


From what I hear Eng 3 is only 1 copy for grading. I know my dd struggled with feeling like she was in a below grade class, but there was a 15 and 16 yr old in there with her! It is different to write this way if you have not done so.



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You know while I am thinking of it- there are forums online at TPS where you can review the classes and see what others are saying.


If you are considering Eng 3 I suggest you do so. You might change your mind.


You do need to be on study place to access the forums which requires a password- not sure what to suggest there.



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You know while I am thinking of it- there are forums online at TPS where you can review the classes and see what others are saying.


If you are considering Eng 3 I suggest you do so. You might change your mind.


You do need to be on study place to access the forums which requires a password- not sure what to suggest there.




I see on the Eng 3 course description about the placement test. But, it isn't online to view. Also, where can I acess the forums. Looked for them on the website... (didn't see "study place")..



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I notice that the placement exams for Eng 1 and 2 are readily accessible and I believe for Narnia as well. You could view those to start. Apparently the teacher gives an exam for Eng 3.


the forums are accessed from the studyplace which you need to go into your family account to get to. Perhaps you could contact the administrator to assign you one- or ask if there is another way to view the forums?


When I read them I got the feeling some students didn't think it was as worthwhile as some of the other English courses. I would want you to read it for yourself though- I do not want to mislead you.



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Thanks so much! I'll check the other placement tests out. I'll call and ask if there is a way I can view the forums... I don't know anyone around here taking TPS classes, otherwise I could ask them to view the forum for me..



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