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Plan for grade 6 - need some help


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Planning grade 2 was easy :) Grade 6 is harder for me, there are some gaps, and need as many suggestions as possible to explore in order to fill them, or even point them out to me, as this is still quite new to me. A note to the below, we schooling this spring. So in many ways Spring is the 'new year/grade'. The girls and I have decided to do light schooling through summer, science experiments, lots of the fun stuff, so gently move use so that our new year will in fact be in the Fall...eventually. As well, it will keep the girls from being completely bored and eliminate quite a bit of review, as we start new curriculum.




  • History: We are completing SOTW 1 using Usbourne book of World History: including timeline, outlines, and evaluations of primary sources where we can find them. We will move into SOTW 2, and considering using FK History, if she is feeling confident enough to tackle the more advanced text. We are using that actual SOTW for her as well, as dd6 and her are at the same years within logic and grammar. DD11 has never read them prior. So it's a nice second resource for her. Plus the AG has lots of fun things to do too. More fun with 2 than 1 :)





  • Math: Completing Math Mammoth 4 if it isn't completed yet, and moving into Math Mammoth 5. If her pace, drive and comprehension remain as they are now, we may possibly commence the 6th as well. But I don't expect it of her. She loves the books, and in the evening when the weather is too cool to be outside, and she has used up her tv or pc time, she will pull out her math and work through it. I won't stop her, and both dh and myself are around to help if needed. I also grabbed Wrap Ups for her to fortify her math facts so they become more second nature. She's competitive, loves the challenge of racing the clock.




  • English: One of our biggest areas of challenge here.
    • Writing is being covered in History, Science and Literature, I loved the lecture by SWB. And love the fact that dd11 isn't considering it as writing :lol: 2 birds one stone, IMO.
    • Spelling: We are going to go through AAS 5/6. To be sure there aren't too many gaps in her learning there. Her spelling is not bad, but still some silly errors that pop up that a light and quick review wouldn't hurt. Plus she loves listening in on dd6 doing AAS 1. And there is a little jealousy, as dd6 requires more one on one. So this gives us that within the scope of learning.
    • Grammar - Will are going to go with Analytical Grammar.
    • Reading - lots of narrations, lots of reading - I am compiling a list of quality books for her. As well as she is doing her fun reading. And reading out loud to her sister and the daycare kids.






  • Science: We are continuing in Life science, finishing it when SOTW 1 is done. And moving to Astronomy and Earth Science. We are using Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method through spring right now, As well as we are doing botany now and through summer, as things are alive and growing. We will look at animals in the fall as we complete SOTW 1 and do any dissections then. And from there move on to SOTW 2. Using WTM recommendations and methods. We will purchase the spines, but use the library for most of everything else. I am still trying to figure out how to do the science.




  • Music : Weekly piano and theory lessons




  • Sports: Ringette, power skating, swimming




  • Art: lessons locally (drawing, painting, sculpting, pottery, mixed media, ethnic and historic)




  • Latin: Gently introducing Latina Prima, and possibly move to Latina Christiana




  • French: reading, grammar, writing, spelling. She has been in a french program for the last 5 years, we will be continuing her learning.


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I should add that we are doing some practical learning too. Sewing, cooking, home management, menu planning, etc. We do this with our older daughter that isn't yet home, as well. She gets home Thursdays at noon, so we do it as a group project. In a couple years, I want dh to teach them how to change a tire, check/change oil, general car repairs so they at least have a background knowledge to know when some one is trying to pull one over on them.

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