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Anyone used a packaged curriculum from Homeschool supercenter?

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Just wondering if anyone has used the packaged curriculums that they sell from the home school supercenter.

heres a link

Homeschool Supercenter Online Shopping - Product Listing


I have already purchased LOF (first 2 books) to use for Math


I have several other supplemental books and stuff that Ive picked up..


however being this will be our first year and I feel like Im getting overwhelmed before we've even started.. as Ive researched and researched many possible options and just cant seem to pick and choose from the subjects . so then I was looking at this package and thought maybe it would be a better way to start off our home schooling experience.

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We did this when we first started, however, within about 2 months, I had ditched everything and almost considered quitting homeschooling. It was just not what I had in mind as to what "homeschooling" would be like. It is very much, imo, "school at home".


I completely understand be overwhelmed when you first start; I know I was, too. I just can't recommend this though. One of the books that helped me most was Cathy Duffy's and I used it to figure out what type of learners my kids were or might be. I think just starting out, expect to go through several curriculums before you settle in on one that works well for you. I'd also just go simple and choose your 3 R's and maybe a science and history. Do those for a while and get the hang of it. You can add on as you feel comfortable and won't feel overwhelmed that way. I really wish I had done that.


Good luck and ask away here :)

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I haven't used Homeschool Supercenter, but I did use a completely boxed curriculum my first year. It gave me time to research, to learn about how my children learned best. I usually do recommend a flustered new homeschooling mom to get a package ( There is soooooooooooo much out there !! ). It takes time to figure out what you want and what your child needs.


It is also totally ok to start slow, just a subject or two.... to add in other subjects as you figure it out. Your daughter will learn tons just by getting books from the library on various subjects while you figure it out.


My older children graduated and two are now in college, the other is in the Navy. We took 2 complete years off with family illnesses and it all worked out in the end. You have plenty of time...... take a deep breath. Start with some easier things so you can figure out where she is. Start with reading, writing and math, then slowly find other subjects that interest her.

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