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Where to go after FLL 4


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What did you use after FLL4? My ds is 11 and going into 6th.


I would really like something that is scripted. Is there anything out there that is similar to the way FLL is set up? I don't really care for RandS.


Thanks for your help.

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My mom is a middle school Language Arts teacher with many years experience, multiple degrees, and national certification. So, when I had this question, I asked her to compare a few programs for me. :-) She likes the look of CLE. She says it's thorough, engaging, and more modern than R&S. She also likes the workbook format for that age vs. the textbook format of R&S.


Hope this helps!

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My ds went straight from FLL4 to CLE 500. It has been a great fit. It's not exactly scripted, but you can sit with your ds and read the lesson and directions to him. I find that I sit with my ds and do the first part of the lesson with him, this contains the new material. He is able to do the review on his own.


My 13yo ds is doing CLE 600, you could probably do that level with a little extra instruction. You can see a sample from each workbook online and make an informed decision.

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