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Woodpecker or flicker problems

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Our house roof vent is being attacked by a noisy pecking bird. It wakes us up at 6am pecking on our roof and shaking the house (we like to get up at 7am). My dh was able to sneak out and catch the bird in action twice before flying off to a nearly tree. My dh wants to pelt it with a BB gun because he thinks it won't stop otherwise, but I'm wondering if there is a more humane way. I can't imagine there would be anything tasty on our roof, we have a contract with an exterminator because our backyard was overrun with carpenter ants when we moved in. We have zero pest problems now, minus the woodpecker/flicker.


BTW, dh and I enjoy bird watching with the exception of roosters of course:D



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Ah! Springtime..... when male woodpeckers fly to houses to drum annoyingly on bits of the house at ungodly hours in the hopes of attracting a mate! :lol:


The dude is looking for a chicka........ and your roof vent is making the perfect calling card (at least as far as he is concerned). For the most part, it will stop when he finds himself a wife and gets busy with her........ but in the meantime you can either rearrange your schedule or climb up to the roof and wrap something around that vent.... even just a flapping piece of cloth or tape should work....... like a couple pieces of ribbon or something.


Good Luck!! You gave me my smile for today...... just picturing the little feathered romeo tapping happily away..... nature sure is wonderful! :thumbup:

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"climb up to the roof and wrap something around that vent.... even just a flapping piece of cloth or tape should work....... like a couple pieces of ribbon or something"


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll ask dh to tie some ribbons on the vent. I mentioned tape to him already, but he thought the heat would bake it off.

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