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Wuthering Heights----Yikes!

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I read it for the first time a few years ago. I loved to hate it. I couldn't put it down - it was like watching a horrible accident and not being able to tear your eyes away. I hated both Heathcliff and Catherine. I couldn't find one quality about either that I liked while I read it.


Same here.


I was amazed at how wickedness was communicated without the blood, gore, and profanity that our modern books rely on.


I recently read The Picture of Dorian Gray. Now there's a book worth hating.

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Wuthering Heights was the book that inspired me to adopt a reading-for-enjoyment escape clause: guilt-free abandonment of books that turn out to be the antithesis of enjoyment. I just couldn't bear to keep company with miserably selfish Heathcliff and Cathy from cover to punishing cover.

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