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What curriculum is as close to WTM recommendations for doing history?

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from pandia press.




If you do an archive search on this forum you'll find lots of opinions pro and con. On their website they give a very generous "try before you buy" sample (like 4 weeks worth) so you can see if it will work for your family.


Good luck!


:iagree: If you need a little more guidance than TWTM, this is it.

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Thanks, I'll check those out. I tried to use HO Ancients in the middle of the year this year but just couldn't get into it. I just got my copy of WTM and the process is making sense to me now. I am determined that my 6th and 7th for next year need to be following those recommendations that are in the book. I don't have time to write my own lessons though so... I'll check out Tapestry of Grace and BiblioPlan but may end up going with HO. I have a lot of the books already and a friend said I could buy her copy cheap. Thanks again for the suggestions of the other two.

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