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I am raising wierdos, or at least a wierd 6 year old

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For math today my 10 year old asked to study angles and my 6 year old piped up- "Oh, Angles and Saxons." Can you tell what history we are in? Too bad we aren't doing Saxon math.


My 6 year old is identifying his personal cash by memorizing the serial numbers. My 12 year old listened to him and said, "Mom, he's memorizing the serial numbers?" to which the 6 year old replied, "Cereal numbers?"

Now when his money goes through the wash, he has proof it is his.


He told me his favorite gum flavor is "Experiment gum." "Oh that mint flavored kind?" "Yeah, experiment gum."


So the poor fourth born is chewing Experiment gum, looking for Saxons in his Singapore math, and obsessed with cereal numbers. I've got to get the poor guy to the ear doctor. :)

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For math today my 10 year old asked to study angles and my 6 year old piped up- "Oh, Angles and Saxons." Can you tell what history we are in? Too bad we aren't doing Saxon math.


My 6 year old is identifying his personal cash by memorizing the serial numbers. My 12 year old listened to him and said, "Mom, he's memorizing the serial numbers?" to which the 6 year old replied, "Cereal numbers?"

Now when his money goes through the wash, he has proof it is his.


He told me his favorite gum flavor is "Experiment gum." "Oh that mint flavored kind?" "Yeah, experiment gum."


So the poor fourth born is chewing Experiment gum, looking for Saxons in his Singapore math, and obsessed with cereal numbers. I've got to get the poor guy to the ear doctor. :)



We are doing the same thing in history and my dd who is also 6 is using Saxon for math although she doesn't know that's what it's called. She did say something similar though yesterday in math. She was asked to circle the each of the angles of the rectangle in a different color. Her response "Mom, I don't see any men on this paper, should I have my math paper or my history paper?"


So you're 6 year old isn't alone :lol:

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