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Christian Scouting Org - American Heritage Girls

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Hi all,



If you want a Christian-based Scouting group, you should check out The American Heritage Girls. I was a leader for a few years and we met in a Catholic church and were a mix of Catholic and Protestant girls. All of us got along just fine and really became a family as far as taking care of each other in a Christian manner. Almost all of us were homeschooling families, as well; many of the leaders were ex-teachers. :)


But, for those who prefer, there are also just Catholic groups and Protestant groups scattered over the country. :)


Main point is, along with earning skills badges, they also earn badges for their particular faith as well. They pray together before the meetings and they encourage a relationship with God and a wholesome relationship with each other and the local community. They earn service hours, for example by completing group and individual service projects. And they camp! Lots of camping skills ;). (I came down with severe arthritis so I had to drop out, unfortunately. Just too hard on the joints.)


Anyway, their website is:




They've been around for over 10 years, BTW.



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Thanks Kim. I did know about them and looked into starting a chapter in my area. Unfortunately their requirements were pretty steep for starting a local chapter and I just can't commit to taking that on right now. But it does look like a great organization. It's been discussed here before and I think there are a few people involved with it on this board.


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We love AHG! We are AHG Trailblazers, which is a program that they created (we were the 1st, I believe!) for overseas military and missionary families. We technically do not belong to a troop - each mother is the mentor (leader) of their child - but all of the AHG Trailblazers here meet every other week to work on badges and such. It has been an amazing experience for both my DDs and myself. I highly recommend it!

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