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What is ROTC?

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Can someone explain exactly what ROTC involves? I know it has something to do with the military, but the only thing I remember from my ps high school days is seeing our ROTC group march on the field.


My dh said that one of his friends along with his siblings went to a selective private college on ROTC scholarships. Do those students have to fulfill some kind of military obligation after they graduate, like those who attend a service academy?


I'd appreciate any insights you can offer, without military-speak if possible (I'm clueless). ;)



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There are two things: JROTC is the high school program and ROTC for college. ROTC stands for Reserve Officer Training Corps, which by the name, tells you what it's for--training officers. College students can do ROTC classes with no obligation, but those on ROTC scholarships will encur military obligation after graduation.



Re: the word "Reserve" in the title--is the military obligation for ROTC similar to being in the reserves (one weekend a month) or is it a full-time obligation?

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Re: the word "Reserve" in the title--is the military obligation for ROTC similar to being in the reserves (one weekend a month) or is it a full-time obligation?


If you receive a full ROTC scholarship, then you owe the military 8 years. Three to four of those years must be on active duty. The other four to five can be in the reserves or even Inactive Ready Reserves. However, *everyone* we know in the army who has been released from active duty early to go into the IRR or reserves has been recalled, activated and deployed at least once.



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