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Input about LoF, please

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What "grade level" would you say the fraction book is? I have a son who, over all, is on about a 2nd grade level for math (high school reading), but fractions are more like 4th grade for him. He loves them. Is it too soon for LoF? Surely it is??


Also... (thinking way ahead here) ... would we be able to switch to LoF exclusively at some point, or are they just a supplemental curriculum? I think LoF will probably fit his learning style very well. He's young, but he seems to bounce back and forth between cardiology and marine biology as a goal. He loves science, and he constantly talks about wanting to go to college, which means he'll need a strong math foundation.




... oh, and one other question. How long does it take to go through a book? Is each supposed to last a year? A summer?

Edited by 2smartones
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What "grade level" would you say the fraction book is? I have a son who, over all, is on about a 2nd grade level for math (high school reading), but fractions are more like 4th grade for him. He loves them. Is it too soon for LoF? Surely it is??
LoF: Fractions assumes kids know their math facts and can do long division by hand with multi digit divisors. I don't know what math program you're using, but this would correspond with the first couple units of Singapore Primary Maths (US) 4A. Most seem to do LoF: Fractions after finishing 4B.


Also... (thinking way ahead here) ... would we be able to switch to LoF exclusively at some point, or are they just a supplemental curriculum?
It can be done standalone from Beginning Algebra on. I suspect the pre-algebra components could be used standalone after the entire series is released. However, bright kids can certainly go right into Beginning Algebra after LoF: Decimals & Percents. The major drawback for some children is a relative lack of practice compared to other programs. It's also expected that the child have a solid self-study ethic (i.e. no peeking at solutions unless truly stumped).


... oh, and one other question. How long does it take to go through a book? Is each supposed to last a year? A summer?
The first two can be done in 2-4 months. DD the Elder isn't finished Pre-Algebra with Biology, but I have a sense she'll be through in in no more than 2-1/2 to 3 months; however, none of the math is new to her yet, so she's zipping through it. Edited by nmoira
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Ok, thanks! I definitely don't think he's ready yet, but I'm glad to have some direction now.
There's more than just fractions, decimals, and percents in the first books too: elementary set theory, anintroduction to functions and inverse functions (a recurring theme over both books), and dimensional analysis are the first ones that spring to mind.


Edited to add: You might want to look at Primary Grade Challenge Math.

Edited by nmoira
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LoF: Fractions assumes kids know their math facts and can do long division by hand with multi digit divisors. I don't know what math program you're using, but this would correspond with the first couple units of Singapore Primary Maths (US) 4A. Most seem to do LoF: Fractions after finishing 4B.


It can be done standalone from Beginning Algebra on. I suspect the pre-algebra components could be used standalone after the entire series is released. However, bright kids can certainly go right into Beginning Algebra after LoF: Decimals & Percents. The major drawback for some children is a relative lack of practice compared to other programs. It's also expected that the child have a solid self-study ethic (i.e. no peeking at solutions unless truly stumped).


The first two can be done in 2-4 months. DD the Elder isn't finished Pre-Algebra with Biology, but I have a sense she'll be through in in no more than 2-1/2 to 3 months; however, none of the math is new to her yet, so she's zipping through it.




We haven't used LOF as a stand-alone yet, but it is getting closer to that. My older ds completed Singapore primary 1 - 6, and did LOF Fractions, and Decimals & Percents along with the last few books. He's working on LOF Beginning Algebra now. We're using LOF as the main program now, but I'm supplementing with Dolciani Modern Algebra and with odd and assorted stuff I'm throwing in on my own.


My younger ds has been very anxious to start LOF, so I let him start doing Fractions recently. He just finished Singapore 3b. I think we're going to keep switching back and forth between Singapore and LOF until he has completely finished both.


I'd also second the recommendation for Primary Grade Challenge Math. It is an excellent supplement!

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