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Is anyone using Keepers of Life for plant study?


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I got a copy of Keepers of Life from the library to preview, and it looks really fabulous! The stories are lovely, the discussion points seem meaty, and the activities look interesting and fun.


Has anyone here used this (or the sister volumes Keepers of the Earth and Keepers of the Animals)? If so, did you find the TM necessary? Did you move through the whole book, or dip in here and there? Any other comments?

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We are currently using Keepers of Life and have Keepers of the Animals to use in the next year or two. I've never seen the teacher's manuals, but haven't really needed one for anything. I pull from the book here and there using other resources as well, rather than going cover to cover. We dropped our regular science and are doing a Botany class for all four kids through the spring. We are working on expanding our garden and adding additional plants and flowers around the outside of the house in addition to the curriculum. I think they are beautiful books with an excellent balance of information and fun.

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Wow, these books look great! I'm adding a few of them to my cart and hopefully will get more later.


Being Native American myself, and really wanting to get in touch with nature this year (and the rest of my life), PLUS telling it in story form... it sounds like this is exactly what I need.

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Melissa, thank you for that info! I'm happy to hear from someone who is using the books, and it's nice to know that the TM isn't necessary.


Angela, now I just have to wait for you to get the books and write up a plan for using them and I'll be all set! :lol:

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