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I am looking for a fun writing program to finish this year


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The kids have finished their grammar books and I was thinking of doing something fun with writing to finish the year. We have 10-12 or so weeks left. I was looking at Imitations in Writing, but I wasn't sure which would be good for ages 13, 12 and 9. Any other ideas?



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Well I'm in the same boat you are, I started a thread yesterday about needing something to "fill in" after we finish our grammar stuff.


If you're looking for fun writing, have you considered poetry? We're doing Classical Writing Beginning Poetry, it's a 12 week program. I continue to be surprised how excited my 10 yr old (Dec birthday) is to do this program, lol, he has always been a reluctant writer.


Otherwise, personally, I'm thinking to try and put together some "unit studies" based on literary works. I was looking around on the internet a bit, I found lots of study guides for books like Watership Down or Redwall, which focused mostly on literary analysis. I was thinking to try and develop a template for including a bit of that, but also some grammar drill and writing exercises off popular books, like that. I have a few weeks to think about it, but I think that may be where I'm headed.



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My dc are each responsible for writing one story/article for our paper every 2 wks. We all get together and brainstorm story ideas first and then the dc choose which one or two they would like to do. They are given a deadline for their rough draft. Once that is turned in, dh or I (or both of us), go over the rought draft, "edit" them and give them back to dc for revisions. We give them a deadline for the final draft and then once those are turned in, one child assists mom in the layout of the paper. It's really fun for them b/c the articles are important to them...something they WANT to write about, KWIM? Not sure if you would want to go that route...but it's just a suggestions. My ds9 also enjoys Wordsmith Apprentice. I don't see a real "purpose" yet to this as a writing program right now...other than ds9 enjoys it! BUT, I haven't used the "program" all the way through to see the progression of skills, KWIM? HTH

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My dc are each responsible for writing one story/article for our paper every 2 wks. We all get together and brainstorm story ideas first and then the dc choose which one or two they would like to do. They are given a deadline for their rough draft. Once that is turned in, dh or I (or both of us), go over the rought draft, "edit" them and give them back to dc for revisions. We give them a deadline for the final draft and then once those are turned in, one child assists mom in the layout of the paper. It's really fun for them b/c the articles are important to them...something they WANT to write about, KWIM? Not sure if you would want to go that route...but it's just a suggestions. My ds9 also enjoys Wordsmith Apprentice. I don't see a real "purpose" yet to this as a writing program right now...other than ds9 enjoys it! BUT, I haven't used the "program" all the way through to see the progression of skills, KWIM? HTH


THis sounds really fun! We might just do this, thanks!

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