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s/o Science Curriculum - How are you implementing science notebooks?


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Hi i'm pretty new to all this but we've just started a Nature Studies journal. It's going to be a record of our observations during nature walks. I've got my dc sticking in photos of things we've taken pictures of, drawings done both on site and of things we have collected plus a little bit of writing. My younger dd doesn't know how to write yet so she did some leaf and bark rubbings. Nature studies is going to form a big part of our overall Science so the notebook is an integral part of it all.

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We're going to be starting this once our Apologia books arrive. I'm going to be doing Considering God's Creation as a supplemental part for science because it's so much of the "notebooking" and my children love that part of school.


Notebooking and Lapbooking are main tools here at our house.


I see notebooking as more of a journal that shares what they are learning. Something they will be able to look back on, use as a guide for future lessons or quizes and be able to learn how to organize it :) All important aspects that eventually have to be taught.

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We did something similar to the first person who responded, only not with nature studies. Our science in the early years was largely hands-on activities, so I took pictures of what my daughter was doing and had her tell me what to write beneath them. Sometimes she would take her notebook with her when we went to the science or aerospace museum, and draw pictures; one memorable day she grabbed it when a tow truck appeared at the neighbor's house to take their old car away. The driver was so taken with this that he let her press the buttons to wind the winch up and move the car onto the truck bed: a huge thrill.


When my daughter was a bit older and more writing accompanied science, I'd paste that in or she would write in the notebook. I still do pictures, too.

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