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need some marketing pointers please!

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My friend is looking for some pointers on her new website--if anyone has time to look at her site and give some pointers--that would be awesome!


Hi - This is the address to my beta website. This is my local gardening site. For now I need to get this up and running as spring in MN is right around the corner. I'm going to stop explaining my business right there as I would love your feed back. This site is barley done as far as info and proper layout. I don't want to head in a direction, spend hours on it, only to find out I;m the only one that understands what I'm trying to offer. :) Any feed back would be appreciated throughout this process (which will probably involve a few more polling emails)... PLEASE DO NOT hold back. Marketing is my week point...:) Hopefully you can copy and paste this and fill in yes or no at the questions.Here is the Questions: Yes or No is fine. If you have an idea of what you need to see in order to Understand this service...Let me know!!!


Were you able to view Video?

Did you Find it inspiring?

Did the information on the home page, further your interest?

Did the information on home page give you a clear understanding of the services?

Would it encourage you more, if there was a short explanation of Bio-intensive Gardening?

Would a link to my resourceful living Blog help on front page?

Does the fonts on front page seem to busy?

is the layout to busy?

Could the information be less wordy?


The linked pages are all messed up, they are my "Idea boards for the moment?" but I would love it if you try the linked pages out.


Service page

Would it help to have 2 or 3 package cost's?

Would it help to have a photo or two of bio-intensive garden?


About page

Is Narration to impersonal?

Too opinionated?

Would it help to explain where much of the organic growing mulch is coming from ( my farm animals and compost's)?

Would it help to show the plant growing greenhouse on the farm and animals?

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