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Abeka vs Apologia Physical Science or Biology

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Right now DS is using an older version of Earth Science from Abeka through Seton. I like it because he gets it - does the review questions at the end, takes a test - boom done.


Now I am looking at him for next year and debating if I should move him into Biology.... or go with Physical Science. Then which one?


I LIKE the current Abeka book - but the Physical Science one looks new and I don't know if it follows the same format (read....answer questions.... be done kinda). They don't give you a huge preview on their site for the unit.....


He's not HUGE into science and he understands a lot of the biology stuff just from living on the farm and developing his own mini breeding program for specific traits. But I'm not sure if he's ready for Biology as a class just yet (he'll be 13/14)....


Any opinions??

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I am not sure about Abeka, but last year my dd in eight did Apologia General and we jumped up to Apologia Biology this year with no ill effects. We did decide to have her do it online through Apologia Academy, which ironically propelled her from a scince is ok kid to her favorite subject.


We had seen jay Wilie at our hs conference and explained she was considering vet/medical field and we didn't want her to be behind in preparing for that. He said since she was doing fine in general to jump ahead. She will cover Apolgia Physical when she does Physics. I had explained we did a few years of BJU science. he agreed that to some extent, she has covered some things in Physical science.


My ds in 7th grade is doing the Physical this year and like it. the beginning is a lot of weather, but is now into some math/physics.


Hope this helps,


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and I am not sure why it is not on the website yet. It was new for them this year, however I believe all the instructors are from the Potter School where they have taught the Apologia courses for years.


My dd is taking biology with Steve Rosenoff and we are very pleased with it. He has his own website and it is highly organized. He really has the classes down pat complete with syllabus, all viewable from his red wagon website. It can look quite intimidating and initally scared me, but it is not at all once get into it. He makes it very clear and also gives tons of examples so you can be sure to get the format right.


The Apologia Academy is $450 a year, and does not include textbooks and labs. they do offer discounts on those items for academy students. The classes are once a week for an hour and one half. They are recorded if you need to miss class. The papers and tests come back graded very promptly.


Steve Rosenoff has a website called www.redwagontutorials.com

where you can but prior years recorded classes for about $100, however you will not receive instructor grading.


I do like the live classes as your child may be called on and needs to pay attention. I also like that it keeps us on schedule with our classes because there are due dates. This is good for the high school level.


We will be continuing with Apologia Acedemy Chemistry next year with Rusty Hughes as teacher. It was our first year this year doing online classes and we did both one with The Potter School and one with Apologia Academy. We are very pleased with both and will continue with both for high school.


As a side, I thought that after one year online we would start at the local college, but to be honest it is nice to listen in on class occassionally and help your child plan their time and take notes. It makes for a good transition point to eventual college classes if one wishes. My dd has grown from a I am not good at school thought to a staright A student with the instructor grades to back it up. It is not me doing it. this has sored her confidence and I did not see that coming at all.


So at this point we feel she will be better served doing these classes online for at least 10th next year. Keep the confidence up and we will see after that.


Hope this helps,


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See this year we are doing Seton Earth Science and they use Abeka (an older version) and it works well for him which is why I was looking at Abeka again (not through Seton)... he reads, answers questions, takes the tests and is done.


Now I am debating also with LifePacs (though they don't get good reviews for Biology - he might like the workbook approach)

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