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BJU Video


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After searching this forum for info on BJU and ABeka DVD programs, I came to the conclusion that BJU was the best one for us next year. I checked out sample pages on rainbow resource today and I now have concerns. My daughter will be in 5th grade and we have been fully on the WTM approach until now. When looking at the table of contents for various subjects, it would seem that a good portion of the year would consist of concepts we've already covered. I'm concerned about the length and lack of flexibility that folks have discussed regarding ABeka; however, it seems to be closer to where she's at academically. For those who went from WTM to BJU, did you find it too easy??

Thanks for the help!


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If you honestly think BJU 5th grade will be too easy for your dd, there is nothing stopping you from buying the 6th grade is there? I've used both grades, and they are very similar. I don't recall there being a huge jump. The huge jump comes in 7th grade!! I wouldn't recommend that jump right now. :tongue_smilie:


I would have no problem personally placing an intelligent hard working 5th grader into the 6th grade BJU set. I would do that before using Abeka. We used several years of Abeka video school and they were not our most favorite years, if you KWIM. ;)


A problem might arise the following year though, if you find you really like BJU and want to continue with it. That problem would be in deciding if your then 6th grade dd is mature enough to handle the workload of the BJU 7th grade. My 7th grader is currently using the 7th grade science on DVD and it is not easy. He actually has to study for tests. Make study cards, etc. He didn't have to do that with BJU's 4-6th grade sciences. He was able to just complete all his homework and watch the video's to ace most of his tests....not so with 7th. He LOVES BJU science though!! And his favorite year so far was 5th grade science. Yes, he had covered most of the concepts too, but BJU makes the learning fun and interesting. Retention of the material has been very good.


For reference, we have only used BJU's english, math, science and one year of reading, bible & Spelling. I have always preferred a whole books approach to history and reading (TOG), and we get our bible and spelling elsewhere.

Edited by Melissa in CA
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Thanks ever so much for your reply, Melissa. I had considered going up a grade in a couple subjects, but knowing that 7th grade is much more demanding is definitely something to keep in mind. Maybe a good compromise would be to only do some of the subjects with BJU and keep going with some of the WTM texts we like.

Thanks again for your thoughts!


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